Posted 9:00 AM, Sep 20, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS — Across the state, events are taking place to celebrate the first ever Women in Tech Week.
According to official website, Women in Tech from Sept. 15-22 was created to honor the women making strides in a male-dominated field, and to provide resources to support their journey in the industry.
The creator, Linda Calvin, is an Indy woman who's worked in the industry for three decades.
"It's really important to amplify their voices and also because we need to increase representation of women in tech. There was a recent study done by girls who code and by age 35 50% of women are leaving the tech industry due to non-inclusive cultures," Calvin said.
Calvin says it's a narrative she hopes to change with initiatives like Women in Tech week.
During the first week of its kind, events will be held nearly everyday across Indiana. You can find a list of events here.